dilluns, 26 de maig del 2008

les Meninas de Manolo Valdés de passeig per la Rambla de Catalunya

Del 16/05/2008 al 15/06/2008 a la Rambla de Catalunya
Exposició Cicle: Manolo Valdés

diumenge, 18 de maig del 2008

d'una lectura imprescindible...

‘...a masterpiece of comic brevity.’— Robert McCrum, The Observer

‘An exquisitely produced jewel of a book … [but] beneath the tasteful gilt-and-beige cover seethes a savagely Swiftian indignation against stupidity, Philistinism and arrogance in public places, and a passionate argument for the civilising power of art. ’— Jane Shilling, The Times